
Who can be a registered member at JWClassifieds.

To post classified ads on JWClassifieds, you need to be an active publisher who is affiliated with Jehovah’s witnesses, whether or not you are baptized. An engaged publisher actively participates in the proclamation of Jehovah’s kingdom each month and provides the necessary information, making them a part of the monthly and yearly reports. In other words, this community is specifically designed for members of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

If an unforeseen circumstance arises, preventing you from being active for a short period, it does not mean you have to completely withdraw from our community. However, if you decide to disassociate or disfellowship from the team, you will no longer be considered a member and it would be appropriate for you to privately reach out to the team to inform them of this decision. Your account will be temporarily suspended, but it will not be permanently deleted. It can be reactivated at a later time when your circumstances have improved and you have been reinstated.

We have the authority to control membership at our own discretion.

Who can be a registered member at Net.

In order to post ads on, you must be an active publisher affiliated with Jehovah’s witnesses, whether or not you have been baptized. An engaged publisher actively contributes to the proclamation of Jehovah’s kingdom each month and provides a report, making them a part of the monthly and yearly records. In other words, this community is specifically designed for members of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

If an unforeseen circumstance arises, temporarily preventing you from being active, it does not mean you have to completely withdraw from our community. Nevertheless, if you decide to disassociate or are disfellowship you will no longer be eligible for membership. It would be appropriate for you to privately reach out to the staff to inform us of this decision. Your account will be temporarily suspended, but it will not be permanently deleted. It can be reactivated at a later time when your circumstances have improved and you have been reinstated.

We reserve the right to control membership at our own discretion.